Get The Facts From Our Novato Dentists About Semi-Annual Professional Dental Appointments

Written by Dr. McConnell on Feb 19, 2020

Keeping up with your dentist-recommended schedule of professional appointments is one important part of maintaining a strong and healthy smile. In this short article, our Novato dentists are giving you some more information about professional care—why it is so important, and what you can expect. 

The first thing to keep in mind is that there are a couple of types of professional appointments available to you:

Restorative and cosmetic appointments: you may need to come in at some point to have a cavity treated, a crown placed, or veneers put on. Treatment appointments are dedicated to completing a restorative or aesthetic objective. There is a considerable amount of planning and prep-work that happens before treatment begins, and we often start these processes at our patients’ semi-annual appointments. 

Six-month cleanings: the American Dental Association recommends that both pediatric and adult patients complete professional assessments every six months or so. During these meeting our team will clear away accumulated plaque and tartar. We’ll also screen your smile for signs of infection and cancerous tissues.

Semi-annual appointments give us opportunities to collaborate with you, and refine your at-home oral hygiene routine. We can give you suggestions on the which tools, formulations, and cleaning schedules will best meet your needs.

When effectively utilized, semi-annual cleanings provide the preventive treatment you need to avoid more serious oral health issues down the road.

As we mentioned, the general recommendation from the ADA is that patients complete these cleanings every six months. However, there are circumstances that may necessitate more frequent check-ins. If you are managing diabetes, or periodontal disease, for example, your dentist may need to see you more than twice a year.

If you have fallen behind with your professional dental care routine, now is the perfect time to get back on track. Our Novato dentists are here to help—so give us a call to get started!