Mill Valley Dentist Talks About Living With Dental Sensitivities To Cold Things

Written by Dr. McConnell on Aug 9, 2022

It’s that time of year—deliciously cold treats abound! If you start to notice an increase in dental pain or sensitivity, you are not alone. Today our Mill Valley dentists are going to be talking about how and why dental discomfort develops. Let’s get started…

Underlying Causes

The most sensitive part of your tooth is the nerve that sits in the dental pulp. Normally this nerve is covered by protective layers of enamel, dentin, and gum tissue. If any of these layers thins or begins to fail, however, you’ll likely experience discomfort as a result.

At-home Options

One simple way to sooth irritated nerves is to rinse your mouth with a mixture of salt and warm water. Some patients find relief using a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution—you can try them both and see what works for you! Additionally, try incorporating foods and drinks that contain green tea, turmeric, and capsaicin to minimize pain. 

Specialty Products

You may also want to take a look at the oral hygiene products you are using day-to-day; could you get better results by switching to a sensitive-safe formulation? These types of toothpastes and mouth rinses are non-irritating, and many contain soothing ingredients to minimize nerve sensitivity.

Long-term Treatments

There are also a number of in-office restorative treatments that help to reinforce the protective components of your smile. Dental bonding, for example, allows our team to place a thin layer of composite resin over your existing dental enamel. The result is a tooth that appears whole and blemish-free, while protecting the dental nerve. Periodontal treatment helps to rebuild and repair gum tissue that has been lost due to infection or recession.

The good news is that you don’t have to live with dental pain and sensitivity forever. Our Mill Valley dentists can help you reclaim a healthy and comfortable smile. Give our office a call to get started with a personal consultation!