Our Mill Valley Dentist Discusses The Top 3 Threats To Dental Enamel

Written by Dr. McConnell on Apr 5, 2022

Protecting your dental enamel from damage and infection will help you maintain a strong and healthy smile well into the future. With that in mind, our Mill Valley dentists have put together this short article about key threats to strong enamel. We hope that this information empowers you to make the best decisions for your smile day to day… 


Harmful oral bacteria infect dental materials and weaken them from the inside. Bacteria cling to the teeth and gums in plaque, which hardens into tartar over time. As they wear away healthy tissue and infect your smile, you develop cavities as well as gum disease.


Acidic substances of all kinds soften dental enamel through a process called demineralization. Bacteria produce acid as they feed on sugars and refined carbohydrates, and we also consume acidic foods and drinks that affect enamel. There are a number of ways that you can encourage remineralization (or strengthening) of your enamel, including:

  • Regular oral hygiene
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Rinsing your smile regularly
  • Waiting for 20 to 30 minutes after acid exposure to brush your teeth

Dental Trauma

Patients who participate in extreme or contact sports should wear adequate mouthguards to protect their natural smiles from damage. A well-fitting mouthguard will protect teeth from impact without creating uncomfortable or unhealthy temporomandibular joint issues.

If you want to learn more about steps that you can take to protect your enamel, our Mill Valley dentists are here to help. Please call our office to schedule a personal consultation, or use the Contact Us page on our website to submit a question for our team!