Perfect Your Daily Tooth Brushing Technique With Info From Our Mill Valley Dentists

Written by Dr. McConnell on Sep 29, 2020

Every single day oral bacteria, in the form of plaque and tartar, are building up in our mouths. That is why it is so important to stick to a high-quality at-home oral hygiene plan. If you are ready to get more out of your daily dental routine, then our Mill Valley dentists are here to help…

Perfect your technique

Brushing your teeth is about more than simply moving a toothbrush around your mouth haphazardly. The best way to clean your teeth is to use small circular motions to buff away plaque and dental debris. And it is really important that you apply only gentle pressure as you clean, because vigorous brushing may cause your enamel to thin and your gum tissues to recede  

Use the correct tools

In order to get the most out of your daily oral hygiene routine, you should be replacing your toothbrush every three to four months. And when it comes to clearing plaque from between your teeth, our team recommends floss rather than point toothpicks, which can cause damage to oral tissues.

Set a timer

Most of us pick up our toothbrush and then we clean our smile until it “feels clean.” There is a better way! The ADA recommends that you brush your smile for two minutes every time that you clean your teeth. That’s how long it takes to thoroughly clear away plaque and food particles.  

Rinse regularly

Rinsing throughout the day and as the last step in your oral hygiene process will ensure that yucky plaque that you’ve dislodged from your teeth actually makes it out of your mouth. Talk to your dentist about whether you should be rinsing with water or a specially formulated mouth wash.  

As you can see, many of these small improvements are easy to do and can be implemented right away. Give them a try, and, of course, let our Mill Valley dentists know if have any additional questions!