Simple Suggestions From Our Mill Valley Dentist To Improve Your Afternoon Routine

Written by Dr. McConnell on Mar 22, 2022

Morning and evening oral hygiene cleanings are paramount for maintaining a healthy smile. But, did you know that there are also steps you can take during the day to refresh your mouth? Keep reading to learn more from our Mill Valley dentists 

After lunch…

When you finish your lunch, take just a couple of minutes to freshen and clean your smile before you get back into your day. This is a great way to boost your smile in the middle of the day, when our mouths often get kind of stale and stagnant. Use floss to gently remove food particles from between teeth, and rinse your smile with water or a specially formulated mouth rinse.

Every hour…

Make an effort to drink some water and support your body’s ability to produce saliva. Saliva is crucial to maintaining oral health; it helps to neutralize bacteria and to strengthen dental enamel. Drinking plenty of water will help to ensure that your body is able to create saliva, and that you don’t suffer from dry mouth.

Stick to a schedule…

Try and plan out when and how you will consume high-risk beverages, like soft drinks, juices, coffee, and wine. When we sip on these drinks all day long, we are providing oral bacteria with a steady source of fuel. By limiting our consumption to specific times of the day, we help to protect our teeth and gums from unnecessary exposure.

If you are ready to optimize your daily oral hygiene plan, give our Mill Valley dentists a call for help! We look forward to speaking with you!