Upgrade Your Brushing Routine Today With Help From Our Mill Valley Dentists

Written by Dr. McConnell on May 12, 2020

Are you ready to take your daily oral hygiene routine to the next level? Our Mill Valley dental team is here to help! We have put together this short primer all about simple things you can do to better clean your smile day to day.

It all begins with using the right toothbrush:

  • Age: older toothbrushes harbor bacteria, and they become frayed and less effective over time.  Swap your toothbrush for a new one every three to four months, and after recovering from an illness.  
  • Softness: toothbrushes are made with bristles ranging in firmness from soft to extra firm. As a general rule of thumb, you want to choose a brush that is as soft as possible while remaining effective. Talk to your dental team if you are not sure what’s right for you.
  • Toothbrush Size: any brush you choose should be small enough to fit into the back corners of your smile, so that you can clean your molars. This can be especially important for pediatric dental patients.

Then follow your dentist’s instructions for optimal results:

  • Technique: use gentle pressure on your dental enamel and oral tissues. Move your toothbrush back and forth using small circular motions to buff away plaque. Applying additional dental pressure may seem like a good idea, but it can actually lead to dental damage.


  • Persistence: did you know that the ADA recommends that patients brush for a full two minutes every morning and night? If you think you have fallen out of this routine, try setting a timer to help you re-establish good habits.


  • Thoroughness: while we say it’s time to “brush your teeth,” it is also very important to clean your oral tissues and tongue. In fact, hard-to-treat bad breath is most often associated with bacteria build-up on the back of tongue.

To learn more, or to schedule a personal consultation with our Mill Valley dentists, please give our office a call, or use our Contact Us page to submit an inquiry and your contact information.