Learn All About Common Habits That Can Hurt Your Oral Health

Written by Dr. McConnell on Jul 21, 2020

You can do the best job ever caring for your smile by brushing and flossing and still end up with oral health issues. That is because our daily habits, including our diets, can greatly affect how our smiles age. Today our Mill Valley dentists are going to be talking about some very common habits that can put you at risk.

Dental Grinding

If you find yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth when you are stressed, our dental team encourages you to take a deep breath and do some simple stretches for your lower jaw. Chronic dental grinding is called Bruxism, and it may require additional treatments and interventions. It is important to effectively treat this condition because it can put an enormous amount of pressure on your dental enamel.

Using the Wrong Tools

There are a couple of oral hygiene tools that may inadvertently cause dental damage over time. The first is a firm bristled toothbrush; bristles that are too stiff and abrasive can cause gum damage dental enamel thinning. Pointy wooden and metal toothpicks are likewise prone to damaging oral tissues. It is always preferable to use floss to clear away dental debris and food particles.

Forgoing Water

Every time that you are able to choose water over other more acidic or sugary beverages, you are supporting oral health. Drinking fruit juices, soft drinks, and sport’s drinks ramps up the production of oral bacteria in your mouth. As much as possible, choose water, and drink it frequently during the day.

Putting Too Much Pressure On Enamel

Enamel is very strong, but it isn’t indestructible. Chomping on ice, hard candies, and mints will cause small, often imperceptible cracks in your teeth. Over time, this damage will become more severe, and bacteria can use these weak spots to colonize

As always, our Mill Valley dental team is here to answer any questions you have, just give our office a call to get started!