Learn More About The Treatments Our Mill Valley Cosmetic Dentists Use To Straighten Smiles

Written by Dr. McConnell on Feb 6, 2024

The unfortunate truth is that very few of us are born with perfect, seamless smiles. It is common to deal with teeth that are crowded, crooked, or unevenly spaced.

The good news is that our Mill Valley cosmetic dentists offer a number of aesthetic treatment options to help you achieve a straighter smile. When you’re assessing your treatment options, you’ll want to consider your ideal treatment timeline, budget, and post-care maintenance. Keep reading to learn more about some of the aesthetic options available to you!


This orthodontic treatment is designed to straighten your natural teeth by gradually moving them into better positions. While traditional braces use metal brackets and wires to move teeth, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners. On the whole, patients find Invisalign to be more comfortable and easier to use than conventional braces. Plus, the clear aligners allow your natural teeth to shine through during the treatment process.

The average treatment time for Invisalign is 12-18 months; your timeline may vary based on the current state of your smile, and your dental goals.


While Invisalign moves your real teeth, cosmetic veneers cover your enamel in order to improve the appearance of your smile. These thin porcelain restorations are permanently attached to the natural tooth structure. When our dental team places your veneers, we can shape and angle them so that your entire smile looks straighter and more polished.

Many patients love porcelain veneer treatment because it can be completed very quickly; it generally takes just two to three appointments to place customized veneers.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is another option when it comes to perfecting the appearance of your smile. Bonding is most effective for people with minor dental misalignment. During the bonding process, our dentist will apply custom-shaded resin to specific teeth. This resin bonds to the tooth as it cures. With bonding we can correct damage, close gaps between teeth, resurface enamel, and improve the appearance of crooked teeth. One advantage of using dental bonding is that the entire process can be completed in one appointment!

If you’re unhappy with the current state of your smile, you have aesthetic treatment options! You can always contact our Mill Valley cosmetic dentists to learn more and to schedule a personal consultation.