Learn More From Our Mill Valley Dentist About Ways To Deal With Bad Breath

Written by Dr. McConnell on May 24, 2022

Occasional bad breath is simply a fact of life—anytime we eat something spicy or garlicky, for example, we’re likely to notice the taste and smell lingers for a while. More concerning is chronic, hard-to-treat bad breath. This is what our Mill Valley dentists are discussing today…

Types of Malodorous Breath

Bad breath happens to everyone on occasion. It’s hard to avoid it completely when we consume things like garlic, onions, and meat. As long as your breath becomes fresher as time goes on and you clean your smile, this isn’t something to be too worried about. On the other hand, if you are experiencing hard-to-treat bad breath that is chronic, you are likely dealing with bacterial build-up in your mouth. You will want your dentist to screen your smile for any existing oral health problems, including cavities and gum disease.

Short-term Relief

So, what can you do about bad breath when it does occur? Well, first of all, remember that water is your friend! You want to drink plenty of water so that your body is able to produce saliva. You can also rinse your mouth with water or water with salt to further dislodge dental debris and food particles. There are also a plethora of breath-freshening gums and mints on the market today. One tip: search out sugar-free options, whenever possible.

Long-term Treatments

In order to enjoy lasting relief from chronic bad breath, you need to restore your smile to optimal health. Our team will treat existing cavities as well as periodontal disease, in order to give your mouth a fresh start. We’ll design a preventive oral hygiene plan to help minimize your risk of developing oral health problems and bad breath down the road. If necessary we’ll also explore treatments for dry mouth, as this condition makes it all too easy for oral bacteria to flourish.

Achieving and maintain a fresh and clean smile is possible with help from our Mill Valley dentists! Please don’t hesitate to contact our dental team to learn more or to schedule a personal in-office consultation. We look forward to speaking with you!