Our Mill Valley Gum Disease Dentists Are Here To Answer Your Questions About Periodontal Disease

Written by Dr. McConnell on Nov 21, 2023

Providing the best care for your smile begins with supporting a strong dental foundation. That’s right, we are talking about your gums! When gum tissue isn’t strong and healthy, your entire smile can suffer as a result. In this short article, our Mill Valley dentists are giving you some information about health problems related to gum disease, and what you can do to care for your smile. 

What causes gum disease?

Bacteria! You may already know that harmful oral bacteria cause cavities; well, these same bacteria can infect your oral tissues and lead to periodontal disease.

Here’s the kicker: oral bacteria are able to use the sugars and refined carbohydrates that we consume as fuel. The more fuel they have, the faster the bacteria are able to multiply and spread throughout your smile. You may develop gum disease because you are consuming more harmful substances than normal, or because your immune system is depleted. Gum disease can also occur as an infection spreads from a tooth to surrounding tissue.

Do I have gum disease?

Although gum infections can develop asymptomatically in their earliest stages, you will likely notice some unwanted changes to your oral health as time goes on. Reach out to your dental team if you have:

  • Swollen gum tissue
  • Tender gums
  • Bleeding gum tissue
  • Hard-to-treat bad breath
  • Gum tissue that is pulling away from your teeth (forming gaps that are called periodontal pockets)
  • Teeth that are moving along your gum line or otherwise loose

No one knows your smile better than you do. So, if your gums look redder than normal, or if they start to bleed every time you floss, it is time to schedule a consultation with your dental team.

How can I treat gum disease? 

Effective treatment is critical when it comes to gum disease, because untreated infections can spread throughout your mouth, to your teeth, your jawbone, and the connective tissues that secure your teeth.

When treating gum disease, it is our goal to minimize bacterial activity and growth, while simultaneously promoting your immune system’s ability fight the infection. The treatments that are right for you will depend on how advanced or severe your oral infection is. Our team may recommend that you boost your at-home oral hygiene routine by using specific toothpastes, tools, and mouth rinses. You may also need to complete professional cleanings more frequently than health patients, so that our team can clear away any plaque or tartar that has accumulated. 

Our Mill Valley gum disease dentists are here to answer your questions so that you can move forward with treatment confidently.