When You’re Battling Colds Or Flu Don’t Forget About Your Smile

Written by Dr. McConnell on Feb 11, 2020

If you’re feeling under the weather, you may also find that you start to fall behind with your oral hygiene plan. It makes perfect sense: when you are ill you just don’t have the energy to keep up with day to day tasks.

Unfortunately, skimping on your oral hygiene can actually compound your health problems. Our Mill Valley dentists encourage you to thoroughly address dental priorities, even when you’re ill. Keep reading to learn more…

There are a number of dental issues that commonly pop up when you’re sick:

Dry mouth: you may find that your mouth feels stale and dry when you’re ill. The best way to deal with that is make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water. You can also incorporate a mouth rinse into your routine to jump-start saliva production.

Bad breath: both dry mouth and post-nasal drip can leave your breath feeling less-than-fresh. Remember, saliva and water will help your mouth stay balanced and your breath stay fresh. It can also be helpful for you to gargle with a mouth rinse or warm salt water.

Sore throat: sore throat can occur due to either infection or post-nasal drip. Rinsing your mouth regularly can help to alleviate pain. When you’re purchasing lozenges or rinses to sooth your dry throat, look for products that contain Xylitol, rather than sugar, which can increase oral bacteria growth.

Inflamed oral tissues: you may find that your gums, tonsils, and inside cheeks are more tender, and even prone to bleeding, when you’re ill. Make sure that during these times you are using a soft-bristled brush, as other bristles can be too abrasive. Rinsing gently with warm salt water can also help in the short-term.

By taking good care of your smile when you’re ill, you set yourself up for optimal oral health down the road. If you have any questions about at-home or professional oral care, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Mill Valley dentists to learn more!