When You’re Dealing With Dental Damage, Our Mill Valley Dentists Can Help

Written by Dr. McConnell on Oct 11, 2022

When you’re dealing with dental damage or oral infections, our Mill Valley dentists are here to help you restore your smile quickly. Our goal is to provide the treatment you need so that you can get on with your busy life!

Let’s begin by talking about some of the oral health issues you may deal with:

Cavities: when part of your tooth is infected with bacteria, we call this a cavity. The diseased portion of the tooth needs to be removed, or else the infection will spread.

Fractured dental structure: while your dental enamel is strong, it is not indestructible. When your tooth is hit too hard, or put under too much pressure, it can crack or chip. The extent of the crack or chip will determine what type of treatment is necessary.

Gum damage: another vital part of your smile is your gum tissue. Gum tissue can become infected, just like your teeth can: this type of infection is called periodontal disease. Gum tissue can also be cut or scraped.

Our Mill Valley dentists treat damaged teeth with metal-free, custom-shaded materials. Dental resin and ceramic restorations ensure that patients achieve natural looking results, without sacrificing durability.

We also offer tooth replacement treatments for those patients who are missing teeth. Thanks to dental implant technology we are able to permanently ground your replacement teeth into your jawbone. Essentially, we insert a titanium post into your jaw, and it takes the place of the natural tooth root. Once your replacement teeth are in place, you’ll be able to live, and care for your smile, normally.

If there is one thing we want to stress it is that no smile is beyond help. Our Mill Valley dentists are here to help you achieve all of your dental goals. Give us a call to learn more and to schedule a personal consultation!